Radiation Assurance HRA-Managed Flowchart Long Description

Last updated on 30 Sep 2020

The applicant submits to Radiation Assurance. After this the HRA will conduct a consistency review and will liaise with the applicant if they have any queries about the submission. If the applicant has requested particular reviewers to review the application the HRA will try to allocate to them in the first instance. If these reviewers are not available, or the applicant doesn’t request any particular reviewers, the HRA will allocate the review to the first available radiation reviewers. The radiation reviewers then complete the review. If they have any queries, the HRA will liaise with the applicant on the reviewers’ behalf to ensure that appropriate clarification is provided. Once the completed review has been received by the HRA from the reviewers, they will send this to the applicant and confirm that Radiation Assurance is in place. It is then the applicant’s responsibility to use the review in IRAS and request authorisation from the reviewers. The applicant submits to the relevant regulators when their IRAS form is ready.

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