Confidentiality Advisory Group registers

Last updated on 24 Apr 2024

Details of all approved applications are held in a register of approvals which is updated monthly.

The register contains summary information about the activity, details of the identifiers approved, and applicant contact details.

The CAG register details all applications that have received approval from the Secretary of State for Health or the Health Research Authority (HRA approvals from 1 April 2013).  

For convenience, the CAG register is divided into four documents:

CAG meeting minutes hold detailed information on the CAG rationale for each application advised against. 

Each application entry shows a ‘next review date’. If this date has passed but the entry still shows approved it is likely that an annual review is in the process of approval.

To review application summary details and conditions of support using the search function on the Registers, please follow these instructions:

  • Make sure you have the correct reference number and title of the activity
  • Open then navigate to the Index page of each Excel spreadsheet
  • Click ‘Control’ and ‘F’ to bring up the Find function
  • Click on 'Options'
  • Next to the ‘Look in’ function on the left, please select ‘Values’
  • Enter the relevant search term

If you are an applicant who believes there is an error with your entry or if any of the details have changed please contact

If an activity has received a decision that it is exempted from the standard condition of support that dissent is respected, or has sought advice via the CAG that the activity should not apply the National Data Opt-out, please make sure you have the relevant CAG reference number to locate the activity on the Register. Confirmation of any approved decisions advised against by CAG to be exempted from managing dissent or advice on the application of the National Data Opt-out will be set out in the Notes section.

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