The student research toolkit is now available. The toolkit must be used MS PowerPoint slide show view – you can then answer the questions by selecting the appropriate box. You can also access a text version of the toolkit.
Students and their supervisors will need to use this toolkit before proceeding with their IRAS (Integrated Research Application System) application. For eligible student research, there may be a supplementary declaration form that needs to be completed before being able to submit an application through IRAS. You’ll be directed to the relevant declaration form by completing the toolkit. The declaration form should be uploaded in IRAS as a supporting document, alongside the rest of the IRAS application.
The toolkit has been designed to pull together the resources a student will need to understand what approvals are required and whether they are eligible to carry out their research in the UK. It contains links to existing decision tools as well as some new ones developed especially for students. It uses a simple question and answer format to guide the student through to the outcome for them and the research they wish to carry out.
The toolkit provides access to five different decision trees providing answers to the following questions:
- is my study research?
- is my research taking place in the NHS and will need NHS approval?
- do I need NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) review?
- what type of NHS ethics review do I need?
- can I carry out my research?
Completing the tool will provide students with an understanding what activities they can do, and ensures that they do not waste time applying for approval for research that they are not able to carry out under the student eligibility criteria.