Use of the kidney failure risk equation in multimorbidity and frailty
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Kidney failure risk in multimorbidity and frailty - exploration of patients’ and healthcare professionals' perspectives of kidney failure risk
Contact name
Heather Walker
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Duration of Study in the UK
2 years, 0 months, 1 days
Research summary
People with kidney disease are more likely to have multiple long-term health conditions (MLTC). Both kidney disease and having MLTC increases their risk of frailty, which means they are less likely to recover from minor illnesses.
Another risk faced by people living with kidney disease is it progressing to kidney failure, which means they need treatments to help the body do what the kidneys usually would (dialysis), or a kidney donated from someone else.
A tool, called the “Kidney Failure Risk Equation” (KFRE), can estimate the chance of someone’s kidney problem progressing to kidney failure. This tool has been recommended to identify which people should be referred to hospital kidney doctors.
We know that people with MLTC have higher use of healthcare services and can find balancing treatments, recommendations and management of multiple conditions difficult. The project aims to explore people’s views and expectations of the use the KFRE tool in individuals with MTLC and/or frailty. We will speak to patients with kidney disease and MLTC (individual interviews) and health professionals (focus groups) who are involved in looking after them. We will explore what they think about kidney failure in people with MLTC and frailty. We will discuss how they wish the topic to be discussed and if views are different between patients and healthcare workers. We will also ask about the “Kidney Failure Risk Equation” tool and how they think it should be used as part of healthcare and the decision-making process in healthcare and if there are any barriers or challenges they see to using the tool to guide people’s care. We will analyse data for themes that arise using a theoretical framework called Normalisation Process Theory.
We hope this project will improve how we care for and communicate with patients with kidney disease, MLTC and frailty.REC name
West of Scotland REC 3
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
4 Aug 2023
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion