Personality Disorder, Anger, Aggression and the Therapeutic Alliance 3

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    An investigation of the therapeutic alliance between forensic inpatients with personality disorder and staff and its relationship to anger and aggressive behaviour.



  • Contact name

    Kirsty-Anne Fitzgerald

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    This is a questionnaire-based study which aims to investigate links between the therapeutic alliance and anger and aggressive behaviour in forensic inpatients with a diagnosis of personality disorder. The research will take place in St Andrews Healthcare across both the male and female adult wards. To take part in the study the participant must have a diagnosis of personality disorder and have the capacity to consent to the research. The responsible clinician for the participant will be asked to confirm that the participant meets these two criteria. If the participant does not meet these criteria or has a learning disability, brain injury, autism diagnosis or is experiencing active psychotic symptoms they will be excluded from the research. Appropriate participants will be given an information sheet about the study and will be able to opt in to take part. It will be made clear to participants that participation is optional and it will not affect their care if they choose not to participate. If they change their mind either prior to or during data collection they can withdraw from the study. Participants will be asked to give consent to the research and to the researcher accessing information from their clinical records. Participants will complete questionnaires lasting approximately 30-40 minutes. This can be split into shorter sessions if the participant prefers. The information collected will include a measure of therapeutic alliance based on their relationship with their care co-ordinator and self-report and observational measures of anger and aggression. Some of this information will be accessed from the participant’s clinical records, minimising the need to repeat measures. Data will be analysed using statistical analysis software. The results will be written up as a dissertation project by the researcher and disseminated to both participants and professionals.

  • REC name

    East Midlands - Leicester Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    17 Dec 2013

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion