Modelling partnerships for change in care placements

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Modelling partnerships for change in care placements: mapping opportunities for innovation by discharge to housing support schemes as an alternative to transfer from acute to community hospital settings



  • Contact name

    Lynne Williams

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Prifysgol, Bangor University

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    1 years, 9 months, 12 days

  • Research summary

    This study will seek to model partnerships for change in care placements. The hospital discharge process is known as complex and housing support schemes are often misunderstood. Therefore, this project hopes to bring both internal and external stakeholders together to bridge any implications and discover opportunities for partnerships and develop a model for relevant service users.

    The study will include both internal and external stakeholders, all of which are known as 'experts' in terms of discharge planning, the process and housing support schemes due to both their professional and personal experience. Internal stakeholders will include: NHS - paramedics, nurses, care assistants, social workers, physiotherapists, district nurses, consultants and ward managers. Housing Scheme - housing support scheme staff, senior scheme staff and managers. External will include: Welsh Government members, Public Health Wales members, members from Patient and Public engagement, charity members, volunteer groups in community and local community members from housing schemes e.g. tenants and family.

    Participants will have the choice of: telephone interviews which will take place in the researcher's private office or face-to-face interviews in their place of work in an environment in which they are comfortable with. The co-design workshops will take place in Bangor University's building, Pontio.

    The study will last 3-4 months depending on the success of recruitment. The interviews will be approx 50 minutes and the co-design workshops are approx 3-4 hours, a total of four will take place. Participants within the Hospital Sites will be expected to attend a total of two workshops as detailed on page 12 of the attached protocol.

  • REC name


  • REC reference
