
  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Contact name

    Robert Rintoul

  • Contact email

  • Research summary


  • REC name

    East of England - Cambridge Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    25 Jun 2013

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    MesobanK will collect, process, store and distribute tissue, blood and pleural fluid samples with associated clinical data from patients with a proven diagnosis of mesothelioma. Research samples will be collected during standard diagnostic/treatment procedures and those confirmed as mesothelioma will be stored long term. Clinical data will be extracted from medical records as well as other sources such as Public Health England (National Cancer Registrion Service) and held on a bespoke and secure database accessible by staff via a secure password protected web interface. Data sent externally will be fully anonymised.
    Patients will be identified and approached by clinical NHS staff and consent will be recorded in writing. We hope to collect 100 sample sets per year from tissue collection sites across the UK (Papworth, Leicester, Manchester, Portsmouth, Bristol, Sheffield and St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London). Sites have been selected based on the number of patients diagnosed in previous years and the presence of a HTA storage license. Samples will be batched at each collection centre before being transferred to Fisher Bioservices for longer term storage. Based on past experience and reviewing literature, we would anticipate that samples will be stable for at least 10 years; however we anticipate withdrawal for use by researchers well inside this time frame.

  • Research programme

    Samples will be available to researchers in both publicly or charitably funded institutions as well as those in commercial organisations in the UK, EEA, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. Applications from organisations in other countries will be considered as long as Mesobank is satisfied that appropriate governance and regulatory standards are in place and will be adhered to. A Scientific Advisory Board will consider applications to the MesobanK bioresource for use of stored tissue and data. Samples will only be supplied on a ‘defined-use’ basis. Conditions of access to samples will include: 1) Research linked to improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment of asbestos related disease 2) Acknowledgement of MesobanK in publications 3) Requirement to share the data obtained Discussions with active researchers working in the field of Mesothelioma feel that the following are areas of research that are likely to be being investigated over the next few years: i) Genome wide approaches to identify frequently mutated cancer genes in mesothelioma. ii)Sequencing of mesothelioma genome iii)Identification of cancer signalling pathways that can be targeted with known or novel compounds. iv)Novel drug development for asbestos related disease including mesothelioma.

  • RTBTitle


  • Establishment organisation

    Papworth Hospital NHS Trust

  • Establishment organisation address

    Papworth Everard


    CB23 3RE