Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Biobank

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Contact name

    Nalin Thakker

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Biobank

  • REC name

    North West - Haydock Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    20 Oct 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Relevant clinical and demographic data will be collected and linked to each sample:
    (name, DOB, NHS number, hospital number, ethnicity)
    details (date of surgery, name of surgeon)
    history (previous conditions, medications)
    details (histological diagnosis, grade, stage)
    (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, other drugs)
    up & Outcome data (progression and survival)
    This information will be extracted from the medical or related records of each donor, anonymised, linked and stored by
    designated tissue collection and database management staff within the Biobank. Patients will not be approached to
    provide data and they will not be asked to complete a questionnaire.
    Data will be stored on a password protected database (StarLiMS) within the NHS network so as to ensure high security
    standards. This database will only be accessible to designated Biobank staff and only linkedanonymised
    data will be
    supplied to researchers.
    Samples will be stored in a linkedanonymised
    form. All data will be anonymised at the point of subject recruitment,
    and each subject will be given a unique Patient ID number, generated by the StarLiMS software. The record of which ID
    number relates to which subject is only held within the database and is only accessible by designated Biobank staff.
    Patient notes will be accessed with consent to extract the data. Only the Biobank Donor Coordinator or members of the
    direct healthcare team will have access to medical records, and personal records will not be removed from The Trust.
    We request that data be stored in a linked anonymised form, as it may be necessary to identify stored data and
    samples under the following circumstance:
    Patients are given the opportunity to retract their consent at any time following their initial recruitment. If a patient
    decides that they do not wish to continue their participation in the research, we will need to be able to identify which
    stored tissue is linked to the donor. Thus, it is necessary to maintain a link between their identity and any stored
    research material so that the material can be identified and then disposed of in a sensitive manner. It will also be
    necessary in the future in order to accrue additional donor followup/
    survival data from their medical records.

  • Research programme

    The Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) links Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) and The University of Manchester to form Europe's largest clinical academic campus, which translates research discoveries into patient benefits. CMFT is also one of the collaborating partners of the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC), formed in 2009. As part of this, the Manchester Biomedical Research Centre Biobank's aim is to help researchers by providing access to large numbers of tissue, urine and blood samples from people with many types of disease. CMFT has a large specialist and tertiary referral service in both cancer surgery and other key areas of clinical medicine involving anextensive range of tissues. It is therefore ideally placed to deliver a key biobanking facility. A ‘core’ repository of biomaterials is being collected/used with particular emphasis on the following disease areas: Neoplastic • Gynaecological • Lower gastrointestinal tract • Prostate • Liver • Head & neck Nonneoplastic • Cardiovascular disease • Inflammatory bowel disease In addition to this ‘core’ repository, biomaterials are also collected on a ‘projectspecific’ basis, tailored to the individual needs of the researcher. The Biobank plays an important role in the BRC and MAHSC by providing high quality biomaterials to support the key research themes: • Musculoskeletal medicine • Cancer • Cardiovascular disease • Women's health As the scope of research undertaken by the BRC/MAHSC expands, the Biobank will react to provide the appropriate biomaterials. The Biobank will support projects from all sections of the biomedical research community. Researchers from academic, charitable and commercial organisations will be able to apply for access to samples by submitting a project proposal. All projects will require approval by the Biobank Science and Ethics Advisory Board. This will ensure that the resource is used in the best interests of the research community and the tissue donors. Applications for access: Each project that applies for access to samples will need to have received independent scientific approval and provide evidence that it is funded and adequately resourced. Each project will be reviewed by the BRC Biobank Science and Ethics Advisory Group prior to access being approved. Independent peer review will be provided by the Science and Ethics Advisory Group if this has not already taken place as part of an external grant application. This will allow prioritisation of projects where there is competition for access to limited resources. All users of the Biobank will be held to the same scientific and ethical standards. Linkedanonymised clinical data will be supplied by secure electronic means, with tissue samples, if this is requested. This will enable the maximum potential value of the clinical specimens to be realised. No researcher will be provided with information that would allow identification of individual tissue donors. Financial arrangements: 1) core funding from the Trust Research & Innovation Division 2) grant funding received for the bank's involvement in BRC/MAHSC projects. 3) cost recovery for supply of samples outside BRC/MAHSC Dissemination of research findings: Researchers who are given approved access to Biobank samples will be required to provide a report detailing the results generated by their research within 12 months. They will also be asked to provide copies of accepted peerreviewed manuscripts to the Biobank Operational Group when available. Publicity. The Biobank is publicised via detailed web pages at The Biobank is also a member of the Greater Manchester Biobanking Network ( and the NCRI Confederation Of Cancer Biobanks ( where it has a web presence. Internal publicity will be via the CMFT Research & Innovation Division intranet site, notice boards and newsletters. Poster/oral presentations are given at BRC/MAHSC events.

  • RTBTitle

    Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Biobank

  • Establishment organisation

    Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  • Establishment organisation address

    Trust Headquarters, Cobbett House

    Manchester Royal Infirmary

    Oxford Road, Manchester

    M13 9WL