Gynae cancer awareness

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Evaluating the impact of a leaflet to raise awareness in women of symptoms of gynaecological cancers in primary care.



  • Contact name

    Jackie Campbell

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    The University of Northampton

  • Research summary

    Gynaecological cancers have a combined incidence in women second only to breast cancer in the UK. Evidence shows that earlier diagnosis could reduce the survival gap between England and the European average. An information leaflet detailing the symptoms of gynaecological cancers and encouraging women to present to their GP
    has been developed. It aims to increase awareness and reduce helpseeking barriers, with the goal of reducing delay in presentation for gynaecological cancers. This study, funded by the National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative, evaluates the impact of sending this leaflet to women through their GP, on consultation rates, use of diagnostic tests and referral rates. This project aims to extend a similar project being undertaken in London by Dr Alice Simons and colleagues (REC approval reference: 12/EE/0231). The Northamptonshire study will provide a geographical comparison to the London study, and will also include a control arm as a further methodological development.
    Women aged 40 years and over will be identified from the lists of approximately 5 GP practices and mailed the leaflet with a cover letter from their GP. Patients on the palliative care, mental health or oncology registers will be excluded.
    After the leaflet is sent out, we will monitor any changes in attendance rates, relevant investigations ordered and referrals made in the six months following, and compare this to a similar period in the previous year. Women will not be approached during this study, but rather the outcome data will be collected and collated in anonymised form from the practice databases.

  • REC name

    East Midlands - Nottingham 1 Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    16 Dec 2013

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion