Evaluating the development of medical revalidation in England - V1

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Evaluating the development of medical revalidation in England and its impact on organisational performance and medical practice.



  • Contact name

    Kieran Walshe

  • Contact email


  • Duration of Study in the UK

    1 years, 9 months, 1 days

  • Research summary

    Our research sets out to see how the new arrangements for medical revalidation are being implemented both in the NHS and more widely, and to see how they are used to assure and improve medical performance.

    The overall purpose of this research is to provide evidence on the mechanisms of medical revalidation, the implementation and processes of medical revalidation, and the impact and cost of medical revalidation in England.

    We have identified six main research questions to be addressed in this project – which cover three main themes - mechanisms; implementation and processes; and impacts and costs. They are:

    1. What are the main organisational determinants of medical performance, and how is the development of revalidation expected to affect or change those determinants?

    2. What is the underlying programme theory (or theories) for the development of revalidation and its incorporation into existing systems for managing medical performance in healthcare organisations?

    3. How is revalidation actually implemented in healthcare organisations – and how does this process of implementation reflect or shape the identified programme theory/theories? What are the experiences, lessons and views of key stakeholders in implementation (such as healthcare organisations/leaders, appraisers, appraisees, and other key actors such as educators, professional associations, etc)?

    4. How does revalidation influence or change the management of instances of suboptimal medical performance in healthcare organisations?

    5. What are the costs of the implementation of revalidation, and how do different models or approaches to implementation affect overall costs and the distribution of costs?

    6. What impact do revalidation and related systems have on medical performance? Are levels and variations in performance at an individual or organisational level partly explained by revalidation and related systems for managing medical performance?

  • REC name


  • REC reference
