Characterising the immune microenvironment of meningioma
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Characterisation of the Tumour Microenvironment in intracranial meningioma
Contact name
Omar Pathmanaban
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust Identifier
N/A, N/A
Duration of Study in the UK
2 years, 6 months, 1 days
Research summary
Meningioma are tumours which arise from the linings of the brain. They lead to symptoms such as headaches, seizures, weakness, hearing loss or blindness. They are also at times found incidentally on scans performed for other diseases or irrelevant symptoms. These tumours may be managed with active monitoring, surgery or radiotherapy. Although about 80% of these tumours are thought to be benign (non-malignant), about a quarter of them recur after treatment with surgery. The treatment of these tumours and retreatment can have substantial side effects and lead to a reduced quality of life for patients. Therefore, there’s a need to develop more effective management strategies. Recent research has shown that inflammation plays a role in the disease process for meningioma. The aim of our research is to try and find out more about how this inflammation starts, and if there are any processes in the tumour cells that we could target with drugs. We seek permission to access existing collections of archived tumour tissue held in the Pathology department to allow us to complete analysis of tumour tissue.
REC name
Wales REC 4
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
2 Feb 2024
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion