You have notified the REC that your study has ended. The next step is to send a Final Report to the REC by completing and submitting this form

This is a UK-wide Final Report for all project-based research studies that have been reviewed by a REC within the UK Health Departments' Research Ethics Service.

The information contained in your Final Report helps the Research Ethics Service to monitor whether the research was conducted in accordance with the REC favourable opinion and applicable transparency requirements. For more information please see the 'Ending your project' section of the HRA website.

Please submit your Final Report within 12 months of the conclusion of the end of study.

You will notice that one of the fields in the final report asks for a lay summary of results. Guidance on how to write the lay summary of results is available on the HRA website.

The lay summary of results provided in this form will be published alongside the research summary record on the Research Summaries section of the HRA website. The HRA may also publish aggregate data collected from the Final Reports on the HRA website, as part of their annual research transparency reporting. This will not contain any personally identifiable information. Further information is available in the HRA privacy notice.

Submit your Final Report

Please complete all visible fields to enable submission. If a question is not relevant to your study, please enter ‘N/A’. Please complete this in one sitting as it is not possible to save partially completed information and return to it at a later point.

Once you have submitted the information, you will receive an email confirming that the Final Report has been received. The email will contain a copy of the information you have submitted, which you can save should you wish to keep a copy for your records.

Is the study protocol publicly available? – In the interests of transparency, you are encourage to make your protocol publicly available.
Has the registry been updated to include summary results? – All results of individual research studies, whether positive, negative or inconclusive, should be shared publicly. For clinical trials, registry records should be kept updated as the study progresses. If your study is not on a registry, answer No.
Have participants been informed of the results of the study? – You should disseminate the results of research to participants. This provides feedback to participants on the outcome of research towards which they have contributed. Any information provided needs to be accessible and easy to understand.
Have you enabled sharing of study data with others? – You should enable the sharing of study data, with appropriate safeguards in place, to other interested groups and communities. Sharing data maximises and respects the contribution of participants and enables and supports further research.
Have you enabled sharing of tissue samples and associated data with others? – You should enable the sharing of tissue samples, with appropriate safeguards in place, to other interested groups and communities. Sharing tissue maximises and respects the contribution of participants and enables and supports further research.