Technical Assurances update: MPE/CRE review procedure and generic risk statement

Last updated on 3 Dec 2020

We have worked with our Four Nations Radiation Assurance Working Party and various stakeholders to update:

  • the Medical Physics Expert (MPE) and Clinical Radiation Expert (CRE) review procedures
  • the Generic Risk Statements

The Four Nations Radiation Assurance Working Party includes MPEs, CREs and representatives from the Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (ARSAC).

MPE and CRE review procedures

The MPE and CRE review procedures provide clarification on the requirements for the CRE and MPE assessments in IRAS (Part B, Section 3) and standardise the way this information is presented to regulatory bodies and sites. They should be used by all MPEs and CREs who are providing assessments, regardless of whether the review is being conducted through Radiation Assurance.

Generic risk statements

The generic risk statements have been updated following feedback from consultations with various stakeholders, including REC members, sponsors, CREs and MPEs.

The generic risk statements have been designed to make it easier for participants to understand the risks of exposure to ionising radiation and should be used in conjunction with the MPE and CRE Review Procedures.

Feedback and suggestions

If you have any feedback and/or suggestions in relation to these document, please contact the Technical Assurance team via

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