Scotland A Research Ethics Committee (NOTE: This REC can only review studies requiring ethical approval under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000)

Professor Jill Bradshaw
REC Manager
Manx Neill
REC Assistant
Sriparna Pal
Usual meeting time
11:45 a.m.
Committee types
RECs recognised to review CTIMPS in healthy volunteers - type i
RECs recognised to review CTIMPS in patients - type iii
Committee flags
Research Involving Adults Lacking Capacity
Establishing Research Tissue Banks
Medical Device Study
Research Involving Prisoners or Prisons
Research Involving Adults Lacking Capacity
Establishing Research Databases
Gene Therapy or Stem Cell Clinical Trials
IRB Registered
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Meeting Dates

29thAug 24
31stOct 24
28thNov 24